Show clients how to study smarter
AchieveWorks® Learning & Productivity, part of the AchieveWorks suite, shows clients what their sensory, environmental and mindset preferences are, and how those 16 preferences relate to their learning and productivity.
More than 40 years of research proves that everyone learns best in different ways and by engaging all their senses. AchieveWorks Learning & Productivity creates an awareness and understanding of personal preferences and assists in the development of multi-modal learning strategies.
Maximize learning by helping clients understand their traditional sensory learning styles (visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic) and a dozen other productivity preferences.
Based on the original paper and pencil assessment developed by Dunn, Dunn and Price, AchieveWorks Learning & Productivity has been written and normed specifically for students from 6th to 12th grades. Online and fully automated, AchieveWorks Learning & Productivity allows counselors and consultants to spend more time helping clients and less time figuring out their preferences, helping improve academic performance, and creating strategies to find more satisfaction and success in school.
Used together with AchieveWorks Personality and AchieveWorks Intelligences, the AchieveWorks suite will reveal different aspects of an individual’s talents, gifts and preferences for an even greater understanding of each client.

Boost clients’ test performance with improved study habits and attitude

Help create the best possible study environment

Gain time to work with clients with less assessment administration

“The assessment is quick and easy for clients to take. Reviewing the results with parents and clients allows them to create the most effective environment possible for studying and improving grades.”
– Private counselor
AchieveWorks Learning & Productivity is…
- Age-appropriate
- Fast and convenient
- Online and fully automated
- Statistically valid and reliable
- Accurate and precise
- Multilingual and culturally relevant
- Insightful and meaningful reports
- Based on 30+ years of research
All of our programs boast:

Use in any internet browser – no specific device required

See results for individuals, groups
or all clients

Live customer support for professionals and clients

Secure personal portfolios house all information
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where can I learn more about the research behind learning styles?
A: Just take a look at our research section.
Q: What preferences are covered in AchieveWorks Learning & Productivity?
A: Have a look at the four traditional learning styles and 12 productivity preferences.
Q: What do the terms “valid” and “reliable” mean?
A: A valid instrument measures precisely what it claims to measure. A reliable one yields… READ MORE

“I didn’t used to think about how I was studying, but now I use what I’ve learned and it really helps!”
– High school junior
Ready to learn more?
Talk to one of our exclusive partners and discover how
AchieveWorks Learning & Productivity can work in your practice.