Learning Style Reference Materials
Ignelzi-Ferraro, D.M. (l989). Identification of the preferred conditions for learning among three groups of mildly handicapped high school students using the Learning Style Inventory. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh). Dissertation Abstracts International, 51(3), 796A.
Ingham, J. (1989). An experimental investigation of the relationships among learning style perceptual strength, instructional strategies, training achievement, and attitudes of corporate employees (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University).
Ingham, J., & Dunn, R. (l993). The Dunn and Dunn Model of Learning styles: Addressing learning diversity. The 1993 Annual Developing Human Resources. London: Phieffer and Co.
Ingham, J., & Price, G.E. (l993). Chapter 9: The learning styles of gifted adolescents in the Philippines, (pp. 149-160). In R.M. Milgram, R. Dunn, & G.E. Price, (Eds.). Teaching and Counseling Gifted and Talented Adolescents: An International Learning Style. New York, Praeger.
Jackson-Allen, J., & Christenberry, N.J. (1994) Learning Style Preferences of Low-and High-Achieving Young African-American Males. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association (Nashville, TN, November 9-11).
Jacobs, R.L. (1987). An investigation of the learning style differences among Afro-American and Euro-American high, average, and low achievers. (Doctoral dissertation, George Peabody University, TN.). Dissertation Abstracts International, 49(01), 39-A.
Jalali, F. (1988). A cross cultural comparative analysis of the learning styles and field dependence/independence characteristics of selected fourth-,fifth-, and sixth-grade students of Afro, Chinese, Greek, and Mexican heritage. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 50(62), 344A.
Jarsonbeck, S. (l984). The effects of a right-brain and mathematics curriculum on low achieving, fourth-grade students. (Doctoral dissertation, University of South Florida). Dissertation Abstracts International, 45, 2791A
Jenkins, J.M. (1982). Teaching to individual student learning styles. The Administrator, Florida, (September): 6, (1), 10-12.
Jenkins, J.M. (1986). Administering learning styles at the elementary level. The Oregon Elementary Principal. Salem, OR: Oregon Elementary School Principals’ Association 47(1), 33-34.
Johnson, C.D. (1984). Identifying potential school dropouts. Doctoral dissertation, United States International University. Dissertation Abstracts International, 45, 2397A.
Johnston, R.J. (l986). A comparative analysis between the effectiveness of conventional and modular instruction in teaching students with varied learning styles and individual differences enrolled in high school industrial arts manufacturing. (Doctoral dissertation, North Carolina State University, l986). Dissertation Abstracts International, 47(08A), 2923.
Kaiser, H.F. (1958). The verimax criterion for analytic rotation in factor analysis. Psychometrika, 23, 187-200.
Kaley, S.B. (l977). Field dependence/independence and learning styles in sixth graders. (Doctoral dissertation, Hofstra University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 38, 1301A.
Karlova, U., Lekarska, F., & Kralove, H. (l994). Dotaznik stylu ucenti pro zaky zakladnich a strednich skol/LSI-the questionnaire of learning styles for pupils of basic and middle education schools. Psychologia-a-Patopsychologia-Dietat, 29(3), 248-264.
Keefe, J.W. (Ed.d.) (1982). Assessing student learning styles: An overview. Student Learning Styles and Brain Behavior. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals, 43-53.
Kirby, P. (1979). Cognitive style, learning style, and transfer skill acquisition, The National Center for Research and Vocational Education, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Klavas, A. (l991). Implementation of the Dunn and Dunn learning styles model in United States elementary schools: Principals’ and teachers’ perceptions of factors that facilitated or impeded the process. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University).
Klavas, A. (l993). In Greensboro, North Carolina: Learning Style Program Boosts Achievement and Test Scores. The Clearing House, 67(3), 149-151.
Klavas, A., Dunn, R., Griggs, S.A., Gemake, J. Geisert, G., & Zenhausern, R. (1994). Factors that facilitated or impeded implementation of the Dunn and Dunn learning style model. Illinois School Research and Development Journal, 31(1), 19-23.
Kleinfeld, J., & Nelson, P. (l991). Adapting instruction to Native Americans’ language styles: An iconoclastic view. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 22(2), 273-282.
Koshuta, V. & Koshuta, P. (April, l993). Learning styles in a one-room school. Educational Leadership, 50(7), 87.
Kreitner, K.R. (l981). Modality strengths and learning styles of musically talented high school students. Unpublished Master’s dissertation, The Ohio State University.
Krimsky, J. (1982). A comparative analysis of the effects of matching and mismatching fourth-grade students with their learning style preference for the environmental element of light and their subsequent reading speed and accuracy scores. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 43, 66A.
Kroon, D. (l985). An experimental investigation of the effects on academic achievement and the resultant administrative implications of instruction congruent and incongruent with secondary, industrial arts students’ learning style perceptual preference. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 46, 3247A.
Kryriacou, M., & Dunn, R. (l994). Synthesis of research: Learning styles of students with learning disabilities. Special Education Journal, 4(1), 3-9.
Kuder, G.F. Richardson, M.W. (1937). The theory of the estimation of test reliability. Psychometrika, 2, 151-160.
Kulp, J.J. (1982). A description of the processes used in developing and implementing a teacher training program based on the Dunn’s concept of learning style. Doctoral Dissertation, Temple University.
Kussrow, P.G., & Dunn, K. (l992, Summer). Learning styles and the community educator. Community Education Journal. Alexandria, VA: National Community Education Association, XIX(4), 16-19.
Kussrow, P.G., (l994). Learning styles research and the community educator. Michigan Principal, East Lansing, MI, 70(1), 9-12.
Kuznar, E., Falciglia, G.A., Grace, A., Wood, L., & Frankel, J. (l991). Learning style preferences: A comparison of younger and older adult females. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly, 10(3), 213-33.
Lam-Phoon, S. (1986). A comparative study of the learning styles of southeast Asian and American caucasian college students of two Seventh-Day Adventist campuses. (Doctoral dissertation, Andrews University, Michigan).
Learning Style Inventory(LSI) (1975, 1978, 1984, 1986, 1989, 1990 & 1996). Developed by Rita and Kenneth Dunn and Gary E. Price: Price Systems, Inc., Box 1818, Lawrence, Kansas 66044.
Lan Yong, F. (l989). Ethnic, gender, and grade differences in the learning style preferences of gifted minority students. (Doctoral dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale).
LeClair, T.J. (1986). The preferred perceptual modality of kindergarten-aged children. (California State University, 1986) Master’s Abstracts, 24, 324.
Lemmon, P. (1982). Step by step leadership into learning styles, Early Years, 12, 5 (January), 36, 14.
Lemmon, P. (1985). A school where learning styles makes a difference. Principal. Reston, VA: National Association of Elementary School Principals, 64, (4), 26-29.
Lenehan, M. (l994). Effects of learning style knowledge on nursing majors’ achievement, anxiety, anger, and curiosity. Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University, 1994.
Lenehan, M.C., Dunn, R., Ingham, J., Murray, W., & Signer, B. (1994, November). Learning style: Necessary know-how for academic success in college. Journal of College Student Development, 35, 461-466.
Lengal, O. (1983). Analysis of the preferred learning styles of former adolescent psychiatric patients. (Doctoral dissertation, Kansas State University, 1983). Dissertation Abstracts International, 44, 2344A.
Lo, H.M. (1994) A Comparative Study of Learning Styles of Gifted, Regular Classroom, Resource Room/Remedial Program Studies in Grades 3 to 6 in Taiwan, Republic of China. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Missouri – Saint Louis.
Lux, K. (1987). Special needs students: A qualitative study of their learning styles. (Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 49(3),421A.
Lynch, P.K. (1981). An analysis of the relationships among academic achievement, attendance, and the learning style time references of eleventh- and twelfth-grade students identified as initial or chronic truants in a suburban New York school district. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 42, 1880A.
MacMurren, H. (l985). A comparative study of the effects of matching and mismatching sixth-grade students with their learning style preferences for the physical element of intake and their subsequent reading speed and accuracy scores and attitudes. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 46, 3247A.
MacMurren, H. (Spring, l992). Learning style and state law. The Learning consultant Journal, XIII, 21-24.
Madison, M.B. (1984). A study of learning style preferences of specific learning disability students. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern Mississippi). Dissertation Abstracts International, 46, 3320A.
Marcus, L. (1979). Learning style and ability grouping among seventh-grade students. The Clearing House, Washington, D.C.: Heldref Publications, 8, 52(April), 377-380.
Marcus, L. (1977). How teachers view students’ learning styles. NASSP Bulletin, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals, 61(April), 112-114.
Mariash, L.J. (l983). Identification of characteristics of learning styles existent among students attending school in selected northeastern Manitoba communities. Unpublished Master’s dissertation, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
Marino, J. (l993). Homework: A fresh approach to a perennial problem. Momentum, 24(1), 69-71.
Martini, M. (l986). An analysis of the relationships between and among computer-assisted instruction, learning style perceptual preferences, attitudes, and the science achievement of seventh-grade students in a suburban, New York school district. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 47, 877A. Recipient: American Association of School Administrators (AASA) First Prize National Research, l986.
McCabe, D.L. (l992). The underachieving gifted student: An evaluation of the relationship of learning style and academic self-concept to academic achievement and case study of one gifted high-school student. (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 54(1), 92-A.
McEwen, P. (1985). Learning styles, intelligence, and creativity amongelementary school students. Unpublished Master’sdissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, Centerfor Studies on Creativity.
McFarland, M. (l989). An analysis of the relationship between learning style perceptual preferences and attitudes toward computer assisted instruction. (Doctoral dissertation, Portland State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 50(10), 3143A.
Meighan, S. (l991). We put learning styles to work in our school, and you can too. American School Board Journal, 172(7), 30-31.
Mein, J.R. (l986). Cognitive and learning style characteristics of high school gifted students. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Florida). Dissertation Abstracts International, 48, 04, 880A.
Melone, R.A. (l987). The relationship between the level of cognitive development and learning styles of the emerging adolescent. (Doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo). Dissertation Abstracts International, 38, 607A.
Metropolitan achievement test: Teachers’ manual for administering and interpreting. (1978). NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
Miles, B. (1987). An investigation of the relationships among the learning style sociological preferences of fifth- and sixth-grade students’ selected interactive classroom patterns and achievements in career awareness and career decision-making concepts. (Doctoral dissertation, St.John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 48, 2527A.
Milgram, R.M., Dunn, R., & Price, G.E. (Eds.). (l993). Teaching and Counseling Gifted and Talented Adolescents: An International Learning Style Perspective. CT: Praeger.
Milgram, R.M., & Dunn, R. (l993). Identifying learning styles and creativity in gifted learners: Subjects, instrumentation, administration, reliability, and validity. In R.M. Milgram, R. Dunn, & G.E. Price (Eds.). Teaching and Counseling Gifted and Talented Adolescents: An International Learning Style Perspective. NY: Praeger, Chapter Two, pp. 25-36.
Milgram, R.M., Price, G.E., & Dunn, R. (1995). Learning styles of highly creative Israeli adolescents. National Forum of Special Education Journal, 5(1), 3-11.
Miller, J. (Edgar, G. (l994). The Learning Style Inventory and the Learning Style Profile: Concurrent validity and the ability to discriminate among class rankings. Illinois School Research and Development Journal, 31(1), 14-18.
Miller, L.M. (1985). Mobility as an element of learning style: The effect its inclusion or exclusion has on a student performance in the standardized testing environment. Unpublished Master’s dissertation, University of North Florida.
Monheit, S.L. (l987). An analysis of learning based upon the relationship between the learning style preferences of parents and their children. (Doctoral dissertation, The Fielding Institute). Dissertation Abstracts International, 50(2), 395A.
Monsour, S.E.M. (l991). The relationship between a prescribed homework program considering learning style preferences and the mathematics achievement of eighth-grade students. (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Southern Mississippi). Dissertation Abstracts International, A, The Humanities and Social Sciences, 52(6), 1630A.
Montgomery L.F. (l993). A comparison of learning styles of traditional high school students and adult students in Missouri area vocational technical schools. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia). Dissertation Abstract International, 54(10), 3725.
Moore, R.C. (l991). Effects of computer-assisted instruction and perceptual preference(s) of eighth-grade students on the mastery of language arts and mathematics (CAI, Perceptual preferences). (Doctoral dissertation, South Carolina State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 53(06), p. 1876.
Morgan, H.L. (1981). Learning styles: The relation between need for structure and preferred mode of instruction for gifted elementary students. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh). Dissertation Abstracts International, 43, 2223A.
Morris, V.J.P. (1983). The design and implementation of a teaching strategy for language arts at Chipley High School that brings about predictable learning outcomes. (Doctoral dissertation, Florida State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 44, 3231A.
Moss, V.B. (l981). The stability of first-graders’ learning styles and the relationship between selected variables and learning style. (Doctoral dissertation, Mississippi State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 43(3),665A.
Murrain, P.G. (1983). Administrative determinations concerning facilities utilization and instructional grouping: An analysis of the relationships between selected thermal environments and preferences for temperature, an element of learning style, as they affect word recognition scores of secondary students. Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 44, 1749A.
Murray, C.A. (1980). The comparison of learning styles between low and high reading achievement subjects in the seventh- and eighth-grades in a public middle school. (Doctoral dissertation, United States International University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 41, 1005.
Murray-Harvey, Rosalind. (l994). Learning styles and approaches to learning: Distinguishing between concepts and instruments. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 63(3), 373-388.
Naden, R.C. (l992). Prescriptions and/or modality-based instruction on the spelling achievement of fifth-grade students. (Doctoral dissertation, Andrews University). Dissertation Abstracts International, A53(04), l051.
Nahamoni, M. (l995). Learning style and homework style of gifted and nongifted adolescents. M.A. Thesis, Tel Aviv University, School of Education.
Napolitano, R.A. (1986). An experimental investigation of the relationships among achievement, attitude scores, and traditionally, marginally, and underprepared college students enrolled in an introductory psychology course when they are matched and mismatched with their learning style preferences for the element of structure. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 47, 435A.
Natale, S.M., Callan, R.J., Ford, J., & Sora, S. (l992, Winter). Social control, efficiency control, and ethical control in different political institutions: Education. The International Journal of Applied Philosophy, NY: International Association of Applied Philosophy, 25-32.
Nations-Miller, B.R. (l993, February). A profile analysis of the learning styles of tenth-through twelfth-grade at-risk, vocational and gifted students in a suburban Georgia public school. (Doctoral dissertation, Georgia State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, A-53/08, 2784.
Neely, R.O., & Alm, D. (l992, November/December). Meeting individual needs: A learning styles success story. The Clearing House. Washington, D.C.: Heldref Publications, (2), 109-113.
Neely, R.O., & Alm, D. (l993). Empowering students with styles. Principal. Reston, VA: National Association of Elementary School Principals, 72(4), 32-35.
Nelson, B.N. (l991). An investigation of the impact of learning style factors on college students’ retention and achievement. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University).
Nelson, B., Dunn, R., Griggs, S.A., Primavera, L., Fitzpatrick, M., Bacillious, Z., & Miller, R. (1993). Effects of learning style intervention on students’ retention and achievement. Journal of College Student Development, 34(5), 364-369.
Nganwa-Bagumah, M. (l986). Learning styles: The effects of matching and mismatching pupils’ design preferences on reading comprehension tests. (Bachelor’s dissertation, University of Transkei, South Africa).
Nganwa-Bagumah, M., & Mwamwenda, T.S. (l991). Effects on reading comprehension tests of matching and mismatching students’ design preferences. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 72(3), 947-951.
Nides, A.G. (l984). The effect of learning style preferences on achievement when an advanced organizer is employed. (Doctoral dissertation, Georgia State University College of Education). Dissertation Abstracts International, 45(05A), 1288.
Ogato, B.G. (l991). A correlational examination of perceptual modality preferences of middle school students and their academic achievement. (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnical Institute, Northern Virginia Graduate Center). Dissertation Abstracts International, 52(12), 4210.
Orsak, L. (l990, October). Learning styles versus the Rip Van Winkle syndrome. Educational Leadership. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 48(2), 19-20.
Ostoyee, C.H. (1988). The effects of teaching style on student writing about field trips with concrete experiences. (Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University, Teachers College). Dissertation Abstracts International, 49, 2916A.
Paskewitz, B.U. (l985). A study of the relationship between learning styles and attitudes toward computer programming of middle school gifted students. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh). Dissertation Abstracts International, 47(03), 697A.
Pederson, J.K. (1984). The classification and comparison of learning disabled students and gifted students. (Doctoral dissertation, Texas Tech University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 45(09A), 2810.
Perkins, P., & Milgram, R.M. (In press). Parent involvement in homework: A double-edged sword. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth.
Perrin, J. (1982). The identification of learning styles among young children. Student Learning Styles and Brain Behavior. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals, 119-125.
Perrin, J. (1984). An experimental investigation of the relationships among the learning style sociological preferences of gifted and nongifted primary children, selected instructional strategies, attitudes, and achievement in problem solving and rote memorization. (Doctoral dissertation, St.John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 46, 342A.
Perrin, J. (l990, October). The learning styles project for potential dropouts. Educational Leadership. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 48(2), 23-24.
Pizzo, J. (1981). An investigation of the relationships between selected acoustic environments and sound, an element of learning style, as they affect sixth-grade students’ reading achievement and attitudes. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 42, 475A.
Pizzo, J. (December, 1982). Breaking the sound barrier: Classroom noise and learning style. Orbit, 64. Ontario, Canada: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 13(4), 21-22.
Pizzo, J. (1982). Small group techniques – Big gains in reading, Early Years, 12, 9 (May) 30-31, 72-74.
Pizzo, J., Dunn, R., & Dunn, K. (l990, July-September). A sound approach to reading: Responding to students’ learning styles. Journal of Reading, Writing, and Learning Disabilities International. Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 6(3), 249-260.
Ponder, D. (l990). An analysis of the changes and gender differences in preferences of learning styles at adolescence and the relationship of the learning styles of adolescents and their parents when matched and mismatched according to gender. (Doctoral dissertation, East Texas State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 64(4), 1170A.
Price, G.E. (1980). Which learning styles elements are stable and which tend to change? Learning Styles Network Newsletter. NY: National Association of Secondary School Principals and St. John’s University 1, 3 (Autumn), 1.
Price, G.E. (1982). Learning style inventory and continuing development. Student Learning Styles and Brain Behavior. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals, 115-118.
Price, G.E., (1982). Relationship between learning style and students with learning disabilities. Paper presented at National Meeting of the American Education Research Association. New York City, March 21.
Price, G.E., Dunn, R., & Dunn, K. (1976 & 1977). Learning Style Inventory Research Report. Lawrence, KS.:Price Systems, Inc. 39 pp.
Price, G.E., Dunn, R., & Griggs, S. (1978). The preferred learning style(s) of gifted elementary and junior high school students as compared to the preferred learning style(s) of nongifted elementary and junior high school students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Gifted Children, Houston, Texas.
Price, G.E., Dunn, R., & Griggs, S.A. (1981). Studies in students’ learning styles,Roeper Review, 4, 2, (November), 38-40.
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Price, G.E., Dunn, R., & Sanders, W. (1979). Relationship of learning style to self-concept. The Clearing House. Washington, D.C.: Heldref Publications, 53(3), 155-158.
Price, G.E., & Griggs, S.A. (1985). Counseling college students through their individual learning styles. ERIC/CAPS, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.
Price, G.E., & Milgram, R.M. (l993). The learning styles of gifted adolescents around the world: Differences and similarities. In R.M. Milgram, R. Dunn, & G.E. Price (Eds.)., Teaching and counseling gifted and talented adolescents: An international learning-styles perspective. CT: Praeger, Chapter 16, pp. 229-247.
Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (1981, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993. 1996) Lawrence, KS: Price Systems, Inc.
Quindag, S.R. (l992). The effects of guided aural versus guided aural-visual modeling on the performance achievement of beginning string instrumentalists (guided aural modeling). (Doctoral dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro). Dissertation Abstract International, 54(02), 455.
Quinn, R. (l993). The New York State compact for learning and learning styles. Learning Styles Network Newsletter. NY: St. John’s University and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, 15(1), 1-2.
Quinn, T. (l995/May). Goals 2000 and The Learning-Styles Connection. NYC Challenge. NY: New York City Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 10, 21-24.
Ragsdale, C.S. (l991). The experiences and impressions of tenth-grade students in a modern European history class designed as a collaborative, heuristic learning environment. (Doctoral dissertation, The Union Institute, l991). Dissertation Abstracts International, 52(03A), 796.
Rahal, B.F. (l986). The effects of matching and mismatching the diagnosed learning styles of intermediate level students with their structure preferences in the learning environment. (Doctoral dissertation, West Virginia University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 47(06A), 2010.
Ramirez, A.I. (1982). Modality and field dependence/independence: Learning components and their relationship to mathematics achievement in the elementary school. (Doctoral dissertation, Florida State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 43, 666.
Raviotta, C.F. (l988). A study of the relationship between knowledge of individual learning style and its effect on academic achievement and study orientation in high school mathematics students. (Doctoral dissertation, University of New Orleans). Dissertation Abstracts International, 50(05)A, 1204.
Rea, D.C. (l980). Effects on achievement of placing students in different learning environments based upon identified learning styles. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri).
Reid, J.M. (l987, March). The learning style preferences of ESL students. TESOL Quarterly, 21:87-105. Available to members only/ TESP:. 1118 22nd Street. N.W., Georgetown University, Suite 205, Washington, D.C. 20037.
Renzulli, J., & Smith, L.H. (1978). Learning Styles Inventory. Mansfield Centers, CT: Creative Learning Press.
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Ricca, J. (1984). Learning styles and preferred instructional strategies of gifted students. Gifted Child Quarterly; Sum 28(3), 121-126.
Roberts, O.A. (1984). Investigation of the relationship between learning style and temperament of senior high students in the Bahamas andJamaica. Graduate dissertation, Andrews University.
Rodrigo, R.A. (l989). A comparison of the profiles of the learning styles of first-grade pupils at the Ateneo DeManila Grade School for the school year l988-l989. (Masters degree, Graduate School Atteneo De Manila University).
Rummel, R.J. (1970). Applied factor analysis. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
Sage, C.O. (l984). The Dunn and Dunn learning style model: An analysis of its theoretical, practical, and research foundations. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Denver). Dissertation Abstracts International, 45(12), 3537A.
Sanders, W. L. (1993) Impact of an Integrated Learning Stytem On Auditory, Haptic, and Visual Learners (Auditory Learners Haptic Learners). Doctoral dissertation. Baylor University.
Sawyer, E. (l995). The need for structure among high school students: When is enough, enough? NASSP Principal. Reston, VA: National Association for Secondary School Principals, 79(569),85-92.
Semple, E.F., Jr. (1982).Relationships of learning style modality preferences and sociometric choices. Doctoral dissertation, The University of Akron.
Settle, J.M. (1989). Learning styles – modality strength reading instruction for low-achieveing first-grade students. Doctoral dissertation, Central Missouri State University.
Shands, R., & Brunner, C. (1989, Fall). Providing success through a powerful combination: Mastery learning and learning styles. Perceptions. NY: New York State Educators of the Emotionally Disturbed, 25(1), 6-10.
Shea, T.C. (1983). An investigation of the relationship among preferences for the learning style element of design, selected instructional environments, and reading achievement with ninth-grade students to improve administrative determinations concerning effective educational facilities. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 44, 2004A.
Siebenman, J.B. (1984). An investigation of the relationship between learning styles and cognitive style in non- traditional college reading students. (Doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 45, 1705A.
Sims, J.E. (1988). Learning styles: A comparative analysis of the learning styles of Black-American, Mexican-American, and White-American third and fourth grade students in traditional public schools. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Santa Barbara).
Sims, J. (l989, Winter). Learning style: Should it be considered? The Oregon Elementary Principal. Salem, OR: The Oregon Elementary Principals’ Association, 50(2), 28.
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Sinatra, R. (1982). Brain processing: Where learning styles begin. Early Years, Darien, CT: Allen Raymond, Inc. 12, 6 (February): 49-51.
Sinatra, R., Hirshoren, A., & Primavera, L.H. (l987). Learning style, behavior ratings and achievement interactions for adjudicated adolescents. Educational and Psychological Research, 7(1), 21-32.
Sinatra, R., Primavera L., & Waked, W.J. (l986). Learning style and intelligence of reading disabled students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 62, 243-252.
Sinatra, R., Sazo de Mendez, E., & Price, G.E. (1993). The learning styles and creative performance accomplishments of adolescents in Guatemala. In R.M. Milgram, R. Dunn, & G.E. Price (Eds.). Teaching and Counseling Gifted and Talented Adolescents: An International Learning Style Perspective. Westport, CT: Praeger, Chapter Ten, pp. 161-173.
Singleton, N. (l993). Learning style assessment. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Portland, l993).
Smith, S. (1987). An experimental investigation of the relationship between and among achievement, preferred time of instruction, and critical-thinking abilities of 10th- and 11th-grade students in mathematics. (Doctoral dissertation, St. John’s University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 47, 1405A.
Snider, K.P. (1985). A study of learning preferences among educable mentally impaired, emotionally impaired, learning disabled, and general education students in seventh-, eighth-, and ninth-grades as measured by response to the Learning Styles Inventory. (Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 46,(05), SECA, 1251.
Solberg, S.J. (1987). An analysis of the Learning Style Inventory, the Productivity Environmental Preference Survey, and the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. (Doctoral dissertation, Northern Arizona University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 48, 2530A.
Soliman, A.S. (1993). The learning styles of adolsecents in Egypt. In R.M. Milgram, R. Dunn, & G.E. Price (Eds.). Teaching and Counseling Gifted and Talented Adolescents: An International Learning Style Perspective. Westport, CT: Praeger, Chapter Fourteen, pp. 210-218.
Sormunen, C. (1993) Learning style: An analysis of factors affecting keyboarding achievement of elementary school students. Delta-Pi-Epsilon-Journal. 35 (1), 26-38.
Spires, R.D. (1983). The effect of teacher inservice about learning styles on students’ mathematics and reading achievement. (Doctoral dissertation, Bowling Green State University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 44, 1325A.
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