Maximize student potential by applying their unique intelligence
AchieveWorks® Intelligences, part of the AchieveWorks suite, helps students in eighth grade through college recognize their unique intellect, boost confidence levels, strengthen both emotional and multiple intelligences, and explore personalized career recommendations.
Multiple intelligences theory has been used successfully by thousands of students at schools around the world. The AchieveWorks Intelligences assessment and results provide a more rounded view of students by looking at the following types of intelligence: emotional, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, naturalist, spatial and existential. The report also asks students to rate themselves on the traits of emotional intelligence (EI) and provides suggestions to further develop all intelligences.
Founded on Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory, AchieveWorks Intelligences has been written and normed specifically for students from eighth to 12th grade. Online and fully automated, educators and counselors who use AchieveWorks Intelligences can spend more time helping students and less time trying to figure out a student’s strengths and challenges, connecting career and education plans, and creating strategies for greater satisfaction and success in life.
For an even greater understanding of each student, AchieveWorks Intelligences works together with AchieveWorks Personality and AchieveWorks Learning & Productivity to reveal different aspects of an individual’s talents, gifts and preferences, as well as leading to the best possible career matches using Human eSources Career Matching Technology™.

Build students’ self-esteem and self-knowledge

Recognize students’ whole intellect

Incorporate multiple intelligences in the classroom

“MI Advantage (now known as AchieveWorks Intelligences) gives students another, more innate sense of their talents, skills and potential.”
– High school counselor
AchieveWorks Intelligences is…
- Written specifically for students
- Research-based and field-tested
- Fast and convenient
- A measure of areas of strength
- Linked to career suggestions
- Statistically valid and reliable
- Online and fully automated
- Multilingual and culturally relevant
All of our programs boast:

Use in any internet browser – no specific device required

See results for individuals, groups or entire populations

Live customer support for both staff and students

Secure personal portfolios for students and staff
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are
A: In 1983 Dr. Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences… READ MORE
Q: How long does it
take to complete
AchieveWorks Intelligences?
A: It will take the average person
20 minutes to complete the 54 questions in AchieveWorks Intelligences.
Q: Is there any research on schools using multiple intelligences?
A: Project SUMIT (Schools Using Multiple Intelligences Theory) studied 42 schools… READ MORE

“I really liked MI Advantage (now known as AchieveWorks Intelligences), because I had no idea that I even had multiple intelligences and they could help me in my education. This assessment was really helpful because it let me know my intelligences. Also, by being aware of them, I can use them throughout my education.”
– Student
Ready to learn more?
Talk to one of our education market specialists and
discover how AchieveWorks Intelligences can work at your school.