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Please have a look at the options below to help you get to your intended destination.

If you are a Naviance customer, please contact your counselor or teacher for the correct URL to log in or contact Naviance Help & Support Services.

Visit AchieveWorks assessments for information about adding AchieveWorks assessments to your Naviance account.

If you are trying to log in to Do What You Are®, The Learning Style Inventory or MI Advantage™ please contact your counselor or teacher for the correct URL. If you cannot reach them please visit support.

If you are looking for information about these programs please choose either Schools & Districts or Career & Education Consulting.

If you are a XAP customer, please contact your counselor or teacher for the correct URL to log in.

If you are looking for more information about Do What You Are®, The Learning Style Inventory or MI Advantage™ within Choices 360 or Transitions, please visit the XAP website.