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Watch past presentations

May 2nd, 2024 – Hear Dr. Marsha Fralick in this webinar on Increasing student success with career development. Research has shown that making an informed choice of a college major and career can increase student success, retention, and life satisfaction. Students are more motivated to complete their educational goals if they have a vision for their future. Review career development curriculum and new technology that helps students connect their personal strengths to the world of work.

April 23rd, 2024 – Student engagement during the first year of college is a cornerstone of academic and personal success. Active participation in coursework fosters critical thinking and skill development. Nick Rabinovitch, Director of Product Research & Design at Human eSources, will show how incorporating course-based engagement contributes to greater student persistence and can reduce instructor workload too.

April 18th, 2024 – Hear Dr. Marsha Fralick in this webinar on how Adding a financial literacy component to your first-year experience course can help students increase life satisfaction and reduce stress. This session provides a rationale for adding financial literacy to your course and an overview of curriculum that meets the National Standards for Personal Financial Education.

November 14th, 2023 – Hear Dr. Thomas E. Rojo Aubrey share how to prepare students psychologically and emotionally for the demands they will face in school and in their personal lives. In this webinar learn a groundbreaking model that uses scientifically proven methods to foster students’ academic resilience, enhance well-being, and improve physical and mental health. Improve students’ quality of life and see increased persistence, perseverance, and completion rates.

May 27th, 2022 – Discover the key elements that can help students build the mental and emotional fortitude to succeed in post-secondary school and other areas of life. You will learn the importance of teaching students academic resilience and well-being in an FYE college success course. Learn about the six-pillar resiliency curriculum that prepares students psychologically and emotionally for the demands they will face in school and their personal lives. Faculty and staff who attend this workshop will learn one skill to help their students build resilience and overcome math anxiety caused by prior painful life (learning) experiences.

May 31st, 2022 – One of the most common goals reported by students is to be happy in life, but they often cannot explain what happiness means and how to achieve it. What is happiness and how can you increase it for yourselves and your students? Review the highlights of current research on happiness and suggestions for increasing it. Use the current research on happiness, the growth mindset, and grit to increase student motivation, success, persistence, and life satisfaction. The session includes interactive activities, practical ideas, and resources useful in your own life and in your first-year experience course.

May 11th, 2021 – Whether it’s because of COVID-19 or just the natural evolution of education, educators have had to make major changes to how they teach. Educational resources and support systems need to keep up with those changes. This webinar identifies key elements that educators need from their resources to remain effective. We will draw on the experience of case studies at South Louisiana Community College and The College of Southern Idaho who use CollegeScope.

May 4th, 2021 – Dr. Marsha Fralick & Dr. Seth Batiste, authors of College & Career Success 9th edition, share their philosophy, resources, and strategies for helping students think critically about diversity and examine different perspectives on some current social issues as part of a first-year experience course. Participants can engage in the discussion to share their perspectives and questions related to diversity and current social issues. The goal of the webinar is to share new materials for including the topic of diversity in first-year experience courses.

June 2020 – Learn how to create an online first year experience or college success class that engages students and simplifies course management. Dr. Marsha Fralick, seasoned college professor, counselor, and author of College & Career Success will share her experience delivering courses beyond the classroom. Receive valuable guidance on what to expect, how to build student engagement and persistence, as well as ways to save time with online instruction.

May 8th, 2020 – This webinar with Dr. Thomas E. Rojo Aubrey and Dr. Lynn Brysacz explores the patterns of stress activation during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it can interfere with your students’ ability to learn and perform academically. We discuss how mental states of distress can result in decreased higher-order thinking skills that are essential for academic success and how to support your students’ academic success during these challenging times. We also provide resources for an Academic Resiliency Program.

May 1st, 2020 – This webinar in partnership Publish1st and with Dr. Thomas E. Rojo Aubrey explores the patterns of stress activation during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it can interfere with your ability as a student to learn and perform academically. To support your academic success during these challenging times we discuss a few ways to reduce anxiety and provide resources that can help strengthen your innate psychological and emotional resilience—and more.

Join us at meetings and conventions!

41st Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience
February 12-15, 2022 in Orlando, FL
More details