Reveal students’ potential and their best career options
As a busy school counselor, we know that you need to make the most of your time. Our online, user-friendly resources are designed for 8th to 12th grade, and you can rest assured that all of our programs are research-based, time-tested and scientifically proven to work.
If you aren’t already using AchieveWorks® as part of your career and education program find out how AchieveWorks works within Choices360, Cialfo, MaiaLearning, and Naviance today.
Join the thousands of schools using the AchieveWorks suite of products for counseling and in their classrooms since 1997.

AchieveWorks age-appropriate self-assessments are designed to build student confidence and motivation through awareness of natural strengths, challenges, and improvement strategies.
AchieveWorks uses proven methodologies refined over the past 23 years to provide students, professionals and parents insight to students’ personality, learning and productivity preferences, intelligences, innate abilities (aptitudes), skills and talents, as well as ways to develop them.
These insights are connected to careers and educational paths using our patented Human eSources Career Matching Technology™ coupled with an engaging, easy to understand, self-interpretable report that helps students see how their personality, skills, preferences and intelligences can connect to a satisfying career and subsequent education. This personal insight is the stable foundation to helping students navigate current and future career options.
Professionals can provide students with more personalized guidance, based upon proven methodologies, without requiring more time or special credentials.
AchieveWorks boasts the following features:
- A minimal investment of time to implement and complete
- Post assessment guided activities (lesson plans) to reinforce the use of students’ results
- Secure personal portfolio for students and staff
- No app download or installation required
- No formal training or certification required to administer the assessment
- Live customer support
- View, print or save report as a PDF
- Multilingual – English, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese included
- Stop at any time and complete the assessment later
- Easily manage users and access reports within Professional Tools
College Majors, Careers & Job Search
- Career database with 900+ profiles to explore and plan
- Filter careers by assessment results, career clusters, education, outlook and salary
- Compare your skills and intelligences results to career requirements
- One-click search for jobs locally or across the nation
- Students can rate and save careers to their portfolio for future reference
- Career profiles include: job description, interests (Holland Code), related occupations, educational programs, outlook, education level, top knowledge/skills/abilities, typical tasks, most common work activities, hourly and/or annual wages
AchieveWorks helps you meet national standards and more
AchieveWorks is…
- Written specifically for students
- A measure of areas of strength
- Matched to careers and education
- Online and fully automated
- Administration with insight
- Research-based and field-tested
- Statistically valid and reliable
- Easy to read, interactive reports
All of our programs boast:

Use in any internet browser – no specific device required

See results for individuals, groups or entire populations

Live customer support for both staff and students

Secure personal portfolios for students and staff
Ready to learn more?
Talk to one of our education market specialists and
discover how AchieveWorks can work at your school.