by Ross Dickie | May 11, 2015 | Career, President's Blog
Popular opinion has it that if you haven’t written your great novel, painted your masterpiece or launched your successful start-up by your mid-40s, you’re never going to do it. An interesting story in The New York Times debunks this myth, citing several examples of...
by Ross Dickie | Apr 23, 2015 | College, President's Blog
With annual tuitions for two and four year public/private colleges ranging from $3,300 to $31,000 according The College Board, going to college is more than just a casual decision. Add room and board to this number and you getting into serious money. And when you...
by Ross Dickie | Feb 16, 2015 | Career, President's Blog
What do you want to be when you grow up? Who hasn’t been asked that question? When we’re little kids we can dream big about being a pro athlete, a doctor, lawyer, musician, scientist, world leader, pilot, video game producer or just about anything else we...